, Inc.

Friday, August 3, 2018

Going Viral is Going CRAZY!

As I'm writing these very words, I'm watching CBS News and their coverage on the "Kiki Challenge".  People jumping out of a MOVING vehicle to perform a dance while being recorded.  I've watched this same story topic for over a week, now.  Apparently there's nothing exciting going on in our country that they have to report on viral video challenges.  Every day, they share how funny some of the videos are, or they talk about how dangerous some of the videos are.  People have posted videos of themselves jumping out of a car and falling, slamming into poles, and one girl is now in intensive care because of this "viral challenge".  

Yesterday, while watching The Talk, they discussed a YouTube dad who fed his children laxatives in order to get his video to go viral.  The children are shown crying in pain due to the stomach cramps the laxatives gave them.  What the heck is wrong with people?  They are willing to harm their own children to get some subscribers and likes on their YouTube channel?  How do they not realize the backlash something like that would cause?  Do they care?  

Also yesterday, I posted a video on my own Facebook that was circling around of a small child mouthing her daycare worker for being in time-out.  When I say mouthing, I mean the most disrespectful, unbelievable mouthing I could even fathom coming out of a 4 year old's mouth.  

People are sharing this video and think it's FUNNY.  Are you kidding me?  This is NOT funny.  This is downright disgusting, and I'd have a solid butt whooping in store for my child if she EVER spoke to someone like that.  And then I wonder why my colleagues and I are shocked at some of the disrespectful behavior we see from our students.

Is this what our world has come to?  People doing anything and everything to get their 15 minutes of fame?  Putting their lives in danger, torturing their kids, and laughing when their children are downright rude and disrespectful?  Is it any wonder why we have the problems in this country that we have?

I am shocked and appalled at how many videos I see of brutal fights, people being gunned down, animals tortured, and what do people do?  They record it on their cell phones.  Nobody steps in, nobody tries to help, they just want to capture it on video so they can post it to Facebook.

You know what I chalk it up to?  Fast fame and fast money.  We have become a society that are doing anything and everything we can to make a quick buck.  Kids are OBSESSED with YouTube, and they truly believe they can become instant millionaires by starting a YouTube page.  Then, they discover it's a little harder than they expected, so they are trying drastic measures to beat the competition and get some quick likes (money) to their YouTube page.

I have been amazed at how many kids have told me, in the past couple of years, that education really isn't that important because they're going to be YouTubers when they're older.  They have told me, straight to my face, "You don't need an education to make money on YouTube".  

I'm starting to feel like it's not just my students that need some education, but maybe some parents that need some education as to where this mentality is heading for their little angels.  

I'm not trying to bash any parent that allows their kids to use social media, but there HAS to be some education and structure when allowing children to utilize technology that can have some seriously dangerous effects.  Allowing your child to spend every waking moment on Facebook, Instagram, SnapChat, or YouTube really is corrupting their minds.  

I teach reading and writing.  Two subjects I feel are becoming completely obsolete to children who tell me they don't read because they watch YouTube videos, and can't write because they're all about text lingo.  I've had parents tell me their children don't need to learn how to spell, because their devices can do that for them.  I've had parents tell me that it's not worth making my students read books, because they do plenty of reading on Facebook.  Seriously?  You want your child's reading skills to come from Facebook?

What scares me more than anything is the increasingly popular video challenges.  Eating tide pods, trying to swallow powered cinnamon, suffocating each other until they pass out, and now jumping out of cars to perform a dance.  Parents, I can't emphasis enough the dangers that are associated with these types of challenges.  Kids are dying or becoming seriously injured.  Don't wait until your child tries one of these stupid stunts to claim you didn't have any idea your child would participate in such a silly challenge.  Don't be shocked when your kid seriously hurts themselves because you assume they're smarter than that.  Peer pressure is real, and it appears, more serious than EVER.

It's now time to talk to your children about the dangers of these videos.  It's time to tell them that the 15 minutes of fame they may or may not receive just isn't worth it.  It's time to monitor your child's device usage!  Don't ever think your child would do something as stupid.. cause I've got news for you.  They will.

Something else to discuss with them?  How pulling out a cell phone when a fight breaks out or a person is being severely bullied is NOT the correct way to handle themselves in that situation.  Teach them how important it is to step in, if they can, or go for help.  Do SOMETHING to help the situation, instead of worrying about whether they can get the best video.  

I am so happy that our school district is now handing out HARSH punishments for kids who are videoing stuff like fights and bullying.  I'm devastated about having to admit that students, as young as 7th grade, have been suspended for sharing nude pics, posting photos on their Facebooks with alcohol or guns, or sharing fights they've recorded on their cellphones.  We've had to impose a "no device" rule during school hours, just to keep students focused on their school work.  

My school district is trying to do what they can, but just like any other serious issue like this, the first step needs to be taken at home!

While many parents have a dream that their child will grow up and make a name for themselves, having a child that will do ANYTHING to get a little fame on the internet isn't the best way to go.  Don't let your child's name be remembered as the kid who ended up dead because they competed in some stupid viral challenge, in jail because they posted a video of themselves beating someone senseless, or recognized as being the person who spews hate and bullying about a particular type of people.

It's one thing when you post a video of your child doing an amazing act of kindness, your animal doing the cutest behavior, or someone actually stepping in and being a hero.  Those videos are AWESOME, and I wish there were kindness challenge to take the place of some of the moronic challenges that are now swimming around.

Actually, that's not a bad idea.  Parents, please feel free to talk your kids into starting a kindness kraze challenge.  Challenge them to do something nice for a complete stranger, a kid who's lonely at school, or the elderly neighbor that has a hard time getting around.  Record that kind of stuff.  I would be much happier seeing my Facebook feed and the news explode with THAT challenge.  

At the end of the day, I'm just shocked and appalled at the lengths people will go to in order to go viral.  Have some common sense.  Parents, teach your children some common sense.  Adults, have some common sense and remember that kids are watching you.  Real, true fame takes hard work, it takes education, and it takes common sense.  And that's my public service announcement for today.

Rant Over!


  1. I shake my head at some of the stupid stuff these teens do. So many of them are ruining their chances for a good job later in life.

    1. You're so right. I didn't even cover the digital footprints they are leaving behind, that may come back to haunt them in the future. It's also not just teens anymore, either. Seems like more parents are encouraging little kids to act out for the sake of a viral video. So sad.

  2. Some of these viral videos just make me shake my head. It is sad! They aren't going viral for something positive, it is usually for something negative !

    1. You're so right. Like I said, I love the cute videos that go viral by "accident", but not the ones where people are deliberately doing something stupid to get attention.

  3. Thank you for the public service announcement. This is so out of hand. Some people not doing enough in their lives to be satisfied with it. It always has to be something to get attention, no matter whether it is good or bad attention. Some people for what they do should really be locked up. Just saying.

    1. I agree. Some people should be locked up for some of the stuff on the videos. It's so sad what people will do to get some attention.

  4. It's amazing what people share on social media! If it was my son acting like that he would be grounded/disciplined. They shouldn't be encouraging that kind of behavior!

  5. I was shocked when I first saw the Kiki Challenge. Especially the ones where the driver is the person getting out of the car. That's not safe! I've had a few students tell me the same. That they don't need to pay attention in class because they'll be famous on YouTube. I ended up planning an entire lesson around YouTube and all that needs to happen to cultivate and maintain a successful YouTube channel where you'll make money. Their viewpoints changed a lot after that lesson. It was "too much work"

    1. Maybe I'll look into doing something like that. It's just like the kids who want to be famous basketball or football players. They go to a few practices, realize how much work is really involved, and they understand a little more. Should be the same for YouTube.

  6. I like the kiki challenge but what I don’t like is the danger of doing it with car rolling and some of them are even doing it in the highway. So I agree with you on crazy still people doing these days to go viral.

    1. That's the problem, there has to be some kind of danger aspect in order for them to get some attention. So sad.

  7. Some viral trends I'm all about but when you are doing stupid things to go viral it's so crazy to me! Life is more important than a photo or video going viral.

  8. It's sad that some people would do this kinds of crazy thing for the sake of fame. Especially that Kiki challenge, I've heard there were few times people get into accidents from doing that.

    1. Definitely!! My husband read a news story about a guy that died trying to do some crazy stunt for a YouTube video. Not the first time that's happened, either.

  9. As much as I live social media, there's also so many things to hate about it. But I guess that is the price of it there's no perfect world anyway, only wise decisions!

    1. I love social media, also. I'm just shocked at how many people have become obsessed with getting attention, and what they'll do to get it.

  10. Some people have lost their sanity just to get famous or monetary benefits from BEING POPULAR. This must be stop, and Youtube must also set rules for posting Violence and Obscene contents.

    1. I totally agree!! There needs to be more protocols in affect that would stop the craziness!!

  11. Your article couldn't have said it better, great job on posting.

  12. there is a postive and negative side of social media and when peopel try to gain fame quickly with whatever it takes that is when it does start falling into another side.

  13. After I have finished watching the video, my first reaction is the kid pick up these from the adults who is taking care of her. Why does kid speak like such way? Think about it. They learn from adults around them. If you want your kid to behave politely then we adult/parents have to be responsible and behave that way.

    1. Absolutely true!! It's so sad that parents train their kids to act this way, and some of the things parents do to kids to get social media attention.

  14. Finally, someone who understands! I've been saying this for a while. These kids wont be able to get jobs, in the future, if they don't watch what they do! Thanks for sharing! :)

    1. So true. These kids also don't realize that these stupid videos could come back and haunt them later in life, either.

  15. I believe texts and electronics are ill affecting learning how to spell for kids. I imagine as a teacher you see it more than is good.

  16. There are so many videos that have gone viral for the wrong reasons. I think in a way, it's causing people to do more dangerous and stupid things in hopes for their 15 minutes.

    1. Totally agree. It's a constant trek on who can do the craziest stuff to get the most likes. So scary.

  17. Yikes, that little girl is certainly very sassy. I plan to raise my son to respect anyone who is older than him because this is uncalled for.

    1. My thoughts, exactly!! I would be embarrassed and ashamed if my kids were caught talking like this. I definitely wouldn't be sharing the video online, I'd be making sure my kids NEVER spoke that way again!

  18. I think lots has changed since we have been more online. And it has made the world different. Aside from tons of people they have seen who have made money like that,the economy is changing. And while an education is important, how one is educated is changing. And why do they want to spend a hundred thousand on a degree they can’t use. Because they have seen that too.

    1. You bring up good points, but I'm not referring to a college education. I am a firm believer that not everyone needs a college education, but knowing the basics is important. My issue more stems from children having the mentality that they think they can post a video online, and it will instantly make them rich. They think that posting videos on YouTube will support them, and no education is needed to do that. Things are definitely changing, I just don't think some of these changes are for the better. :(

  19. Its scary what can become trending between young ages. We need to be very aware!

    1. So true!! We need to definitely be aware. It's amazing how many parents aren't aware of what their children are posting online.

  20. It’s always something negative that catches people’s attention more than something good... we should be more aware about our children’s activities 😊👍🏼


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