, Inc.

About Me


My name is Joanna.

I am married to my soulmate, best-friend, high school sweetheart, and partner in crime.   My husband's name is Casey, and you'll hear A LOT about him.  We have a real-life fairy tale story that will, hopefully someday, be a book about our life.  The short version is, we met in high school, we got pregnant, he was forced to move away, we were apart for 14 years, saw each other again, and got back together.  Yes, there is an AMAZING story that comes between all of those commas, but way too much to write about here.  You can get a little more information on the "Prologue" page.  Marriage provides a plethora of writing subjects.

I am the mother of three awesome children.  Payton is my oldest, she is 18, and just graduated from high school.  Brayden is my middle child, and he is 17.  Jada is my youngest, and she is 10.  They are all a handful, talented, out-going, and give me lots of great stuff to write about.  You'll learn a lot more about them, don't worry.

I am a sixth grade teacher.  I have been teaching for 6 years, about to start my 7th year.  I started my career as a 4th grade teacher and did that for three years.  For the past three years, I've been teaching 6th grade.  Teaching, just like parenting, offers a lot of great writing opportunities that I will share.  I have a Master's Degree in Education Administration, and I have a Bachelor's Degree in Elementary Education that I worked very hard to get, despite some of the rocky circumstances life threw at me.  I teach reading and writing (go figure), and both subjects are my passion.

While I absolutely LOVE teaching and have wanted to teach since I was five years old, it's always been a dream of mine to write for a living.  Whether it be writing books, articles, or a blog, I hope to someday be able to use my God-given talent to earn a few bucks.

One thing I have learned is that you can't write for a living unless people actually see your writing, so this is a start.  Getting my love of blogging up and running, again, to get some exposure.

So, that's me in a nutshell.  A very small nutshell.... so, let's get crackin'.

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